Doctor Illuminatus
Mallorca, 1232-1316. Philosopher, poet, missionary, theologian and thinker, he wrote in Latin and Catalan, the latter being the first modern language used to express Philosophical and Scientific knowledge. He travelled a large part of Europe, visiting the main universities, he lived an isolated existence in the cave of Randa where he received the enlightenment, surrendering to meditation and contemplation, and nicknamed “Doctor Illuminatus”,
Santuari de Cura
All the beauty and truth in a human being must be admired and/or respected, beyond particularities, beliefs and ideologies. It is considered that everyone at the bottom, consciously or unconsciously, tends to total happiness.
Santuari de Cura
Ramon Llull is a father of our culture and language. He helped to create them and he lived them with a receptive attitude towards other peoples, mentalities and languages.
Santuari de Cura
Ramon Llull loved and believed in Christ. That’s why he had conversations with others who did not think or believe like him, offering the best of himself.
Santuari de Cura
The impressive mountain of Cura invites to live Ramon Llull’s expierience discriped his book “Llibre de l’Amic i l’Amat” (The Book of the Lover and the Beloved).
Puig de Randa, S/N
07629 Algaida , Mallorca